How it works

Our app-based programme guides the user through simple, scientifically-designed steps to better mental health.

Investing in people
In a recent survey, 90% of employers reported increasing their investments in employees’ mental health.
Source: Mental Health Foundation

What Your Toolbox can do for you

Find what you need to face any mental health challenges. Learn more


Our podcasts are relatable, useful and one of the most popular parts of our app.

Find us on your favourite streaming services

Are you ready?
According to a Mental Health Foundation report, a third of managers feel out of their depth when supporting their team with mental health concerns.
Source: Mental Health Foundation

Your Space

A reflective journal for your wellbeing journey. Learn more

What our clients say

What Your Community can do for you

Create strong connections within your workplace. Learn more

Time to stop and think
Psychological studies have shown that employees who take time every day specifically to self-reflect will see improvements to their mental health and wellbeing.
Source: Mental Health Foundation

Get in touch

To find out more about On Wellbeing, fill out the form below.
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