How can line managers support employee mental health?

Training managers in mental health awareness can transform workplace culture and improve employee wellbeing. It equips managers with the skills to support their teams effectively and reduce workplace stress.

Key benefits:

1. Early identification: Trained managers can identify early signs of mental health issues and provide timely support or referrals to professional help.

2. Reduced stigma: Mental health training promotes a more open dialogue about mental health, reducing stigma and encouraging employees to seek help without fear of judgment.

3. Improved communication: Managers learn effective communication strategies to discuss mental health issues sensitively and constructively.

4. Increased productivity: By supporting employees’ mental health, managers can help reduce absenteeism and presenteeism, leading to increased productivity.

5. Enhanced employee engagement: Employees feel valued and supported, which boosts morale and engagement.

Investing in mental health training for managers is crucial for creating a supportive workplace. It benefits both employees and the organisation by fostering a healthier, more productive work environment.

We all need better ‘mental health literacy’. This helps us to recognise and deal with the daily stresses and struggles life presents. Mental health literacy means we can support ourselves and others.

Find further insights at the Mental Health Foundation

Tips from our toolbox

Did you know…

Simple breathing exercises can have an immediate impact on alleviating workplace stress.

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