How can we increase male engagement in mental health programmes?

Men are often less engaged in mental health programs, leading to unaddressed issues and decreased wellbeing. Increasing their participation is crucial for comprehensive workplace wellbeing.

Key strategies:

1. Tailored programmes: Develop programmes that specifically address issues more common among men, such as stress management and physical health.

2. Male role models: Encourage male leaders to share their mental health journeys to normalise discussions around mental health.

3. Anonymous support options: Provide anonymous support options to reduce the fear of stigma.

4. Inclusive communication: Use inclusive language and communication strategies that resonate with male employees.

By implementing these strategies, organisations can increase male engagement in mental health programmes, leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Further insights at the Mental Health Foundation

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Did you know…

Simple breathing exercises can have an immediate impact on alleviating workplace stress.

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