What are some common workplace mental health issues?

Technostress, the stress caused by constant connectivity and technology use, has become a significant issue in modern workplaces. Addressing it is vital for maintaining employee wellbeing.

Key strategies:

1. Set boundaries: Encourage employees to set boundaries for work-related technology use. This includes turning off notifications outside of work hours.

2. Promote digital detox: Implement policies that promote regular digital detoxes, such as screen-free lunch breaks or designated tech-free zones.

3. Provide training: Offer training on effective time management and the healthy use of technology.

4. Supportive policies: Develop policies that support flexible working hours and remote work to reduce technostress.

5. Use wellbeing apps: Utilise wellbeing apps like On Wellbeing to monitor and manage stress levels, providing employees with tools to cope with technostress.

Addressing technostress is essential for improving employee mental health and productivity. By implementing supportive policies and promoting healthy technology use, organisations can create a more balanced work environment.

Find further info at the American Psychological Association

Tips from our toolbox

Did you know…

Simple breathing exercises can have an immediate impact on alleviating workplace stress.

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