What is workplace wellbeing and why is it important?

Corporate wellbeing programs are essential for maintaining a healthy, productive workforce. Implementing an effective program can reduce absenteeism, increase employee engagement and enhance overall productivity

Key steps:

1. Assess needs: Conduct surveys and assessments to understand the specific wellbeing needs of your employees.

2. Set clear objectives: Define what you want to achieve with your wellbeing program. Objectives might include reducing stress levels, improving physical health or enhancing mental health support.

3. Engage leadership: Secure buy-in from senior leaders to ensure the programme is supported and funded adequately. Leaders should also model healthy behaviours to encourage employee participation. What does this look like within your organisation?

4. Create a comprehensive plan: Develop a plan that includes a variety of initiatives such as mental health support, physical fitness activities and work-life balance policies. Utilise On Wellbeing’s diverse range of features to support these initiatives.

5. Communicate effectively: Regularly communicate the benefits and details of the wellbeing program to all employees. Use multiple channels to reach everyone, including emails, intranet and workshops. The community section, On Wellbeing’s unique feature allows investment by colleagues through creating and uploading content specific to the organisation.

6. Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor the programme’s effectiveness through feedback and data analysis. Be ready to make adjustments based on what’s working and what’s not.

An effective corporate wellbeing program requires careful planning, commitment from leadership and ongoing evaluation. Leveraging tools like On Wellbeing can simplify the process and ensure the program meets the needs of your workforce.

Find further insights at the Harvard Business Review.

Tips from our toolbox

Did you know…

Simple breathing exercises can have an immediate impact on alleviating workplace stress.

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